CCFL背光屏优缺点CCFL全称ColdCathode Fluorescent Lamp(冷阴极萤光灯管),具有高功率、高亮度、低能耗等优点,广泛应用于显示器、照明等领域,内充惰性气体(包含部分水银蒸气),内壁有荧光粉图层,外形看起来就像是日光灯管,个头有点像是城市里的霓虹灯。由于CCFL灯管具有灯管细小、结构简单、灯管表面温升小、灯管表面亮度高、易加工成各种形状(直管形、L形、U型、环形等);使用寿命长、显色性好、发光均匀等优点,所以也是当前TFT-LCD(液晶屏)理想的光源,同时广泛应用于广告灯箱、扫描仪和背光源等用途上。


It is a lighting system lamp thatcontainscathode that discharges electrons and it also makes use of fluorescence. It is largely used as a source of light in case of backlights, for the reason that in contrast to regular fluorescent lamps, they are smaller in size and have a prolonged duration of life.

它是一种照明系统灯,它包含释放电子的阴极,并且还利用了荧光。 在背光情况下,它被广泛用作光源,原因是与常规荧光灯相比,它们尺寸更小,使用寿命更长。

Into the cathode glass tube ofCCFL, by changing the category and pressure of the infused substance, an extensive range of temperature and quality of color can be pulled off, at the same time as also by changing the width and category of the phosphor, which is used to cover the inside wall of the cathode tube, the same temperature, and quality of color can be reached.

